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Tourist Spot


# Title Location Transportation Contact
1 Paglamia’s Mazar

Located in Takia Road of Feni

1. From Feni railway station by CNG auto rickshaw, you can go to the tourist spot (rent – 50 tk.), rickshaw can be added (rent - 15 Tk. )

2.From  Feni zero point to the point of view (rent - 10 tk.)


2 Vijayan Shingh Dighi

Feni Trunk Road is 3 km west of zero point

1.  BY Rickshaw from the railway station (rented -50/- Taka)

2. From the Mahipal bus stand by rickshaw (rental - 10.00 Taka) and the addition of CNG (rental 50.00 Taka) can be made.


3 Rajajhir Dighi

The location of Rajajhir Dighi is in close proximity to Ziro Point and central Shaheed Minar of Feni.

1. From Feni railway station by CNG auto rickshaw, you can go to the tourist spot (rent – 50 tk.), rickshaw can be added (rent - 15 Tk. )

2.From  FMohipal  to the point of view (rent - 10 tk.)


4 Sharshadi Shahi Mosque

শর্শদি ইউনিয়ন এর শর্শাদী শাহী মসজিদ চট্টগ্রাম বিভাগের ফেনী জেলার সদর উপজেলার শর্শাদী গ্রামে অবস্থিত।[১]

From Mohipal any one can Visit by Texi Service Easily . 

০১৮১৫- ৮০৭১০৬ ইউনিয়ন ডিজিটাল সেন্টার উদ্দোক্তা মোহাম্মদ শাহাদাত হোসেন